Hello everyone! SFBU is back in action with workshops, potlucks and picnics happening soon.
GENERAL INTEREST MEETING September 16th at 7:30pm in room 134 of the Fuller Building (808 Commonwealth Ave). If you can, bring a dish to share potluck style- but if you don't have access to a kitchen, no worries! Come anyway! We're making the most of the late-summer harvest.
EAT-IN ON HARVARD YARD October 4th at noon (postponed from September 27th foreseeing thunderstorms). Slow Food BU and Real Food Harvard are hosting a massive eat-in on Harvard Yard. The idea is to get people to slow down and take notice of what they eat- but we also just want to have a huge picnic before the weather gets too disagreeable! Bring a blanket, some home-baked treats and as many friends as you can find. This is gonna be big.
WORKSHOP IN URBAN FORAGING September 30th at 7:30pm in CAS 222. Russ Cohen, author of Edible Plants I Have Known... and Eaten gives a slide presentation on edible plants and mushrooms of the Greater Boston area. He will also lead an identification walk through the Fens the following Monday for those interested. Email slowfood@bu.edu to RSVP.
Also: a talk on the global food crisis at the Boston Public Library, pasta-making at Dave's in Somerville, and Slow Food Nation recap and photos.